The Movement Against Rape and Incest

Please note that a full translation of this website is currently underway.
Founded in 1975, the Mouvement Against Rape and Incest (MCVI) is a feminist sexual assault centre dedicated to supporting survivors of sexual violence. MCVI’s mission is to counter all forms of violence experienced by women and girls as a result of unequal power relations existing in our society, arising from different sources of gendered, racial, socioeconomic oppression.
We carry out our mission through a feminist and intersectional approach to our work, offering an inclusive space for racialized women, women of diverse backgrounds, and migrant, immigrant and refugee women both in the services offered and in the structure of the MCVI, in places of deliberation, decision-making and exercise of power.
We carry out our mandate via the following activities:
Providing direct psychosocial support to all women who have experienced sexual violence;
To carry out prevention, awareness and popular education among individuals, groups and the population on sexual violence, consent and healthy relationships, and other forms of gendered oppression facing migrant women;
To promote women's rights through political action, advocacy, networking and solidarity groups, in order to advance accessibility and equity for all women in society.
Over the years, MCVI has developed a recognized expertise in providing psychosocial support services to refugee and migrant women, who have experienced various forms of sexual and gender-based violence, including that of human trafficking. Services are offered in French, English, or Spanish.
Our direct services include:
Active listening, information, and referrals (phone or in-person);
Crisis intervention (phone or in-person);
Individual psychosocial support and follow-up;
Support groups for survivors;
Support, information, and accompaniement during various legal processes including complaints with the police, refugee claims, humanitarian applications, etc.;
Psychosocial support and follow-up for migrant women who have experienced human trafficking in Canada, during their migration, or in their country of origin;
Support for mothers and/or loved-ones of survivors of sexual violence;
Informal activities and aiming to break social isolation.
For more information on our services in English, please contact us by phone or by email.